Ommetje (redesign)

See italics for English

Ommetje is een app die probeert om mensen vaker te laten wandelen, want wandelen heeft een positief effect op je fysieke en mentale gezondheid. De opdracht was om door middel van persuasion principes een van de flows van de app aantrekkelijker te maken.

Ommetje is an app that tries to get people to walk more often, because walking has a positive effect on physical and mental health. The assignment was make a plan to make the app more persuasive and make a redesign for one of the flows of the app, by making use of persuasion principles.

The ‘walking history’ section gives the user an overview on how they have been doing in achieving the goal. By showing the user their own stats they can monitor their own behaviour.

By implementing a leader board the user can compete with others.

Bases on the mood the user puts in the system will give suggestions on what kind of performance is expected of the user e.g. ‘Let’s give it our all’

Based on mood the user puts in the system will give praise for the user being here despite feeling bad.

By not giving the user anything else to do on the screen, the uder gets the chance to fully enjoy their walk.

The system gives the user some praise everytime they reach a certain timestamp.

The system could give the user some praise for successfully completing the walk.

Here the system could gives the user a reward for completing their walk successfully.

By implementing a leader board the user can compete with others.

This is the time for the system to give accurate information to the user backed up by trusted sources.